Friday, October 29, 2010

The last time i was here was june 8th - i suck!
BUT he has arrived healthy and handsome

August 22, 1:14 am, 8.9 lbs, 20 in.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Time is flying...

Atticus is now 16 inches long and about 2.75 pounds!

Sexy mama stretch marks are not little and few anymore - looks like I was attacked byWolverine!

His kicks/punches are getting stronger and more frequent!

Today my mom Nana felt his foot pushing on her hand!

My heartburn is getting progressively worse everyday.
I am breathing heavier and its starting to be rather painful to breathe properly throughout the day, i guess thats what happens when your body and organs are being smashed and pushed around.

it (being a pregnant woman) is bizarre how swollen my feet get (which by the way are 2 sizes bigger than they were 29 weeks ago), how sore my back is from that damn sciatic nerve (lets just say one night i feel and i was on my back like a lady bug on its back flopping around in pain and i pissed all over myself like an infant and laid in it laugh-crying), how much my throat burns after i vomit at 2am (and then i spend ten minutes playing ping pong with my thoughts about if i should take my prenatal vitamins again or if they have made it safe from the vomit session), the most annoying part has been how difficult it is to reach my vagina after i pee- i feel like i am in yoga trying to get the correct balance and stretch just to wipe my own ass.

My mommy bought me this book A Girlfriend Guide to Pregnancy AKA my bible.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Trimester 3 begins today! 
40-28 =
12 weeks left till I get to hold my mini!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Paul, Mary's father said to me as he held my baby belly "I dont like it, but you'll be a good mom" Honest and Real. I love it!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Leila and Kaleigh are my happiness makers - without them I would have been very unhappy and uncomfortable during my first and second trimester. The baby shower they put together was fun and I am very grateful! Kaleigh was the one holding my hair when I was sick, cleaning my kitchen, listening to me whine at threeAM, and of coarse changing it to the next episode when devil red came on (NOT IT) They both helped me move all my stuff to storage and even hit a pole inside the storage unit for a good laugh! Thank you Kaleigh and Leila for loving me for me and helping me stay happy.   

March 29th 2010 - BOI!!!

My lovely lady lump - Atticus Jackson April 18th 2010 5 Months

Toilet Paper Diapers at our wonderful baby shower!
Stefanie, Zoe & Krisitin
Larmen Love.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This is my mommy Anne, Atticus's Nana, my lamaze coach (we start in a few weeks!) and my main support through this exciting and intense experience!
We have been watching a show called A Baby Story (while eating very naughty delicious foods)The show has been surprisingly entertaining and helpful for learning about what will happen in the delivery room! 

"A Baby Story takes viewers on an intimate and emotional journey by profiling couples' experiences from the final weeks of pregnancy through the first weeks of a new life. Go inside the delivery room for a voyeuristic peek at the drama of labor and the sheer joy and relief of the unforgettable birth moment.  Share in the experience and all the emotions parents feel when they first greet their newborn."

Nana and I went shopping and bought Atticus the outfit he will come home from the hospital in today! 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

While I enjoy singing the nigh night song to Atticus while he is kicking me in the ribs, I am eager to hold him with his soft cheek against mine and sing him the nigh night song. 

Only 97 more days!
Just so you are aware...
I write at a 5th graders level.
Ambiguity is not tolerated.
Random thoughts/facts will appear randomly. 
Thanksgiving weekend 2009 + unprotected sex = baby on the way!  
I tend to be overly honest with inappropriate descriptions. 

The WIC program in Marshalltown, Iowa slaps the WIC program in Kansas City, Kansas in the face. The woman here in Marshalltown were more helpful, educated, friendly, and attractive. (I find it easier to communicate with someone if they are attractive.) The amount of money given in fresh fruits and veggies is three dollars higher each month in Iowa than it is in Kansas. I can buy real Cheerios and not the generic Heerios. (That by the way tastes like sawdust that has been stuck in-between an old mans fingernail and finger.)

WIC definition:
Women, Infants, and Children - serves to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, & children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, WIC provides information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care.

During my pregnancy I have developed sciatica which has successfully made sleeping nonproductive and trying to get to sleep a huge inconvenience. After discussing this huge inconvenience with my doctor he felt I should start physical therapy and try a maternity body pillow. I started out with a Boppy Total Body Pillow and it was flatter than a anorexic woman's chest. When that bobby failed me I decided to try a different brand, I bought a Leachco Snoogle Body Pillow and poof nigh night time was easier than a whore on Troost. 

Ultrasound at 20 weeks showed my mini with a healthy heart, all limbs functioning and a penis!

Sciatica definition:

Sciatica refers to pain and discomfort associated with the sciatic nerve. This nerve runs from the lower part of the spinal cord, down the back of the buttocks, into the thigh and down to the foot. Injury to or pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause the characteristic pain of sciatica: a sharp or burning pain that radiates from the lower back or hip, following the path of the sciatic nerve to the foot.

Leachco = made by Jesus Christ
Boppy = Fail 

May 19th 2010

Eager- |ˈēgər|


(of a person) wanting to do or have something very much, showing keen interest, intense desire, and impatient expectancy

"I am eager to be my child's mother"

"I am eager for my next trimester to start"

"I am eager for the next ultrasound"

"I am eager to give birth"


Nostalgia- |näˈstaljə; nə-|


a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations related to home and family.

"I already miss being alone"

"I miss being in my first trimester"

"My child will never again be the size he was in that first ultrasound"

"After I give birth I wont have the joy of having him growing in my body anymore"

Memories are all we have after a moment in our lives has passed. A moment or action cannot be done exactly the same ever again.

I seem to always be eager to get things done, whether that is to finish college so I can get a “real” job or get through my first third trimester of pregnancy so that I can get closer to meeting my child. Unfortunately, every time an experience or task is over I miss it and long to have it back.

I am assuming this is what being a mother will be like, but times a billion.